Creux Harbour to Creux Harbour – 25th September 2023
What a wonderful day. The sun shone and it was a pleasant 19 degrees. It started with a nice 40 minute ferry ride. Then the usual lack of overly pressing health and safety on to the pier steps in Sark. Sark like Herm has no cars, buses etc. They rely on horse and carriage and a few tractors. The lack of that constant traffic noise is immediately noticeable and immensely satisfying. Nothing very strenuous in the unpaved lanes and gorse lined grass paths. No downez to beaches every 2 minutes, although plenty of treks through nice little river valleys.
Sark done. I had to laugh at the heaps of walkers dressed in their serious gear on the ferry out with me. I thought that I wasn’t going to get any peace but they all got off the ferry and straight on to the tractor pulled carriages to get a lift up the hill to the main drag. As a result, peace, tranquillity, bliss. Very lovely place, would come again.